1.there is more than 375 MB space empty but I am getting an 507 error.
Note : I have disabled modesecurity from world planel.
2.another matter I have noticed that I can change memory limit from world panel. There i found a option to raise it upto 1Gb . will it work?/ Is it eligible?
[There is no place to post for Nodeph So, I had to post in world lite.]
please solve the 507 issue as soon as possible.
thanks in advance.

Note : I have disabled modesecurity from world planel.
2.another matter I have noticed that I can change memory limit from world panel. There i found a option to raise it upto 1Gb . will it work?/ Is it eligible?
[There is no place to post for Nodeph So, I had to post in world lite.]
please solve the 507 issue as soon as possible.
thanks in advance.