Log in every 30 days or account suspension...

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New Member
How can I avoid having to log in to my account every 30 days?
at the risk of having your account suspended.
Thank you in advance for your answer.

How can I avoid having to log in to my account every 30 days?
at the risk of having your account suspended.
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Hellp, is normal coz you take hosting free version you need always see you email message to validate 30 days or make money to hosting shared for not do every month this action


Membre du personnel

Its because you have a free version. In order to skip this process, you must consider upgrading to The World hosting https://www.planethoster.com/fr/Hebergements-World

Otherwise, each month, you will receive a message to validate the use of your World Lite offer. It will be important to click on the link in the message to retain your offer.

You can check in your email box. The title of the post is "World Lite - Verification".

Our team thanks you for your trust and is at your disposal for any further information.
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