pour Plesk le panneau utilisé dans le monde de l'hébergement
Tutoriels Revendeurs
pour Plesk le panneau utilisé dans le monde de l'hébergement
Tutoriels Revendeurs
- Editing your profile
- Customizing your desktop
- Creating a new hosting account
- Creating templates (hosting plans)
- Modifying a hosting account
- Suspending a hosting account
- Deleting a hosting account
- Creating a web user
- Creating a domain user
- Changing your customer's passwords
- Creating a domain pointer
- Creating a subdomain
- Managing your DNS zones
- Changing a skeleton file
- Generating a hosting account report
- Creating a custom button
- Adding your logo and changing skins
- Creating a Trouble Ticket
- Changing your password
- Customizing your desktop
- Using Webmail (Horde)
- Creating a default email account
- Using spam filters
- Managing a database using phpmyadmin
- Monitoring site resources and statistics
- Creating a autoresponder
- Creating a email alias
- Creating a mail forward (redirect)
- Creating a mailing list
- Creating a SSL certificate
- Login to SSH Terminal
- Using File Manager
- Creating an email account in Outlook Express
- Creating a POP email account
- Creating a web user
- Password protecting a directory
- Using Dr.Web Antivirus
- Using Application Vault
- Managing Crontab
- Creating a custom button
- Managing FrontPage Admin
- Creating a subdomain
- Creating a Trouble Ticket
- Creating a database
- Backing up and restoring files